December 19, 2012

Blog 2.0

I started this blog two years ago as part of an assignment for an MLS class.  The assignment (which I still think was a good one) was to engage in an inquiry project and blog about all the steps along the way.  We followed Annette Lamb's 8 W's of Information Inquiry because the course was taught by the amazing Annette Lamb.  I blogged about the process of researching cabinets for a kitchen remodel my husband and I were working on at the time, and I can honestly say that the process was incredibly helpful to our remodel. 

The name of this blog The Life Inquired, was chosen to reflect the inquiry process that I was taking part in at the time.  But I've decided to keep the same blog, with the same name, as I start my career as a Media Specialist.  I've chosen to do so for a couple of reasons.  First, one of my favorite little quotes of wisdom comes from Socrates - "The unexamined life is not worth living".  I am a firm believer in always doing things for a reason, taking a good look around you, and always working toward bigger and better things.  Which is, in a nutshell, living life like it's an inquiry project.

Another reason that I'm choosing to keep this name as I move into the teaching profession is because I always want to remind myself that teachers should be, first and foremost, learners.  We need to continually grow, evolve, adapt, examine, inquire, search, read, study, connect, communicate, and get creative if we hope to prepare our students for the 21st Century and help them become life-long learners.  From the time that I've spent working in schools over the past couple of years, nothing is more obvious than the sharp divide between teachers who have static curriculums and lessons, and those that are continually evolving their lessons, projects, and expectations.

And perhaps the least important reason that I'm keeping this blog name - it reminds me a little bit, every time I see it, of The Life Aquatic, which, if you haven't seen it, will place a pleasantly confused look on your face, and leave you with a desire to put on a red watchman's hat and visit the sea!